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Portage City Councillor and FCM board member Joe Masi.

The Federation of Canadian Municipalities (FCM) has signed a deal with the federal and provincial governments to bring hundreds of thousands of dollars into the City for various projects.

The FCM has confirmed the new Community Building Fund, formerly known as the Gas Tax Program, will give municipalities, like the City of Portage la Prairie, funding over the next five years. Portage City Councillor and FCM board member Joe Masi says we've already used this funding in previous years to help with the causeway project.

"In this new agreement, we're anticipating revenue of about $700,000 to $800,000," explains Masi. "We still have to get some details, but it's certainly appreciated to have the federal and provincial governments sign that agreement now for us and we know we'll continue to get those funds."

Masi adds that the Community Building Fund also allows municipalities to choose when and how to spend the additional money. He states that the fund is most likely the best type of program for municipalities.

"It's very flexible. It's used for whatever your local infrastructure needs are," notes Masi. "As a council, we'll look at what our needs are and apply it to that. You can also bank it, and save it over a number of years, which is what we did with the causeway."

On top of the funds being flexible, Masi says it's great to see a predictable income from the federal government that they'll be able to factor into future municipal budgets.
