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Nairn testing site fall

A northern Manitoban community is facing tight restrictions after a jump in COVID-19 cases.

As of Friday morning, there are 132 new COVID-19 cases in Manitoba. 

New cases include:

  • 37 new cases with 26 not fully vaccinated in the Northern health region
  • 33 new cases with 25 not fully vaccinated in the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region
  • 28 new cases with 19 not fully vaccinated in the Winnipeg health region
  • 24 new cases with 16 not fully vaccinated in the Prairie Mountain health region
  • 10 new cases with nine not fully vaccinated in the Interlake-Eastern health region

Testing requests continue to rise as four thousand tests were completed Wednesday.

Two men from the Winnipeg health region linked to the unspecified variant of concern have died, one in  his 100s and one in his 60s. This brings the total number of deaths in people with COVID-19 to 1,215.


Increased cases in communities

After the spike in cases in Mathias Colomb Cree Nation, a community roughly 210 kilometres north of The Pas, the chief and council are directing further restrictions. The province says this community can not have any public gatherings and everyone must stay home. The only exceptions including working in essential services and the hunting and fishing season. Non-medical masks are required outside of the home.

In Southern Manitoba, two schools are in outbreaks, including one with all of its students learning remotely.

Miniota School, in Miniota, is learning online until October 16. They are at the Red: Critical level on the Pandemic Response System. Alonsa School, in Alonsa, is in an outbreak after one class moved online. They are at Orange: Restricted. 



There are 85 people in the hospital with COVID-19, 45 of which have active cases. The province says 84 per cent of active cases are not vaccinated, 11 are fully vaccinated, and four per cent are partially vaccinated. 

In intensive care, there are 15 people, with nine having active cases. There are no fully vaccinated people with active cases in the ICU, and 89 per cent of those people are not vaccinated.



A Winnipeg concert venue, gyms, and more are all part of the 14 COVID-19 enforcement tickets given out between September 27 and October 3.

There are five $1,296 tickets to individuals for various offences and two $298 tickets to individuals for failure to wear a mask in an indoor public place that was given out. The province says 35 warnings were issued.


An earlier statement from the province said 12 business tickets were given out. This has since been corrected. 
