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Portage la Prairie Terry Fox Run Coordinator, Diane Wing and her grandson.

The Terry Fox Run will take place in Portage la Prairie at 10 a.m. this Sunday, September 15th, to support cancer research.

Coordinator of the event, Diane Wing, says that there is no pressure to donate, but those looking to participate need to register at run.terryfox.ca or in-person registration at 9:15 a.m. near the starting point of the event, at the tennis courts on the Island.

"This event is traditionally called the Terry Fox Run, but in my experience, the majority of people just walk. It's fully wheelchair accessible, but we welcome bikers, skateboarders, and anyone. It's not about how you move. It's about following Terry Fox's dream of finding a cure for cancer."

Wing says that people are encouraged to follow the 5km path; if that is too much, they can feel free to head back to the starting location at any point.

"After the event, we'll all meet back at the shelter and have some water and some snacks."

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Everyone has a connection to the harsh reality of cancer. Wing is no different.

"I personally have lost my mother-in-law, aunts, uncles and friends to cancer. Unfortunately, my children share these same genes. So, I think it's just very important to keep advancing this research, " she continues. "I think that finding a cure is definitely the dream, and like Terry, I think most people want to help out in whatever way they can. When they run this event, many people do it in memory of their loved ones. So, we provide stickers on which they can write their loved ones' names."

Wing cites Terry Fox as a personal hero of hers.

"As a runner, I know how hard running a marathon is, and I just can't even imagine running one day after day on a prosthetic leg. For a man to be so young and selfless, I think that's incredible. He saw a problem, didn't complain, and tried his best to be part of the solution. I think we all want to do our little part." 

She notes that those who are going to participate can expect to be surrounded by kind, loving and empathetic people who all share the same goal and feel the presence of their loved ones who have gone too soon because of cancer.
