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Nevin Gordon and his crew enjoyed some delicious chicken out in the field and are currently harvesting their last few quarters of wheat

Driven by Great Plains Ford, we hopped in the truck with some delicious KFC and headed east towards Stoughton, SK on Highway 13 thanks to Grain Rush

Nevin Gordon, along with his wife Sheena, entered into our contest and we were pleased to take some chicken out to them and their crew. The Gordon’s are approximately 75% completed harvest, currently combining wheat and putting it in grain bags.  

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Driving through the wind, the rain, and navigating around the oil pumpjacks, we found the crew combining wheat just a few miles west of Stoughton. 

Although 70 km/h gusting winds out of the east and spitting rain made eating outside a challenge, we were still able to have a great time enjoying some delicious KFC and discussing this year's harvest.

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Our Grain Rush is concluding this week as harvest heads into the final stretch so only 2 days left to enter for your chance to have chicken out in the field, no matter what the weather! 

Author Alias