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By limiting in-person interactions, you’re helping to protect your loved ones and the community. Photo courtesy of AHS.
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By limiting in-person interactions, you’re helping to protect your loved ones and the community. Photo courtesy of AHS.

The final COVID-19 update before the Thanksgiving long weekend provided some very cautious optimism tempered with extreme concern that any gains made over the past couple of weeks may all be lost over this weekend.

The fact that Thanksgiving of 2020 brought on the second wave of the pandemic last fall has officials deeply concerned that Thanksgiving 2021 could be devastating to any tenuous progress made with the latest restrictions in place.

Premier Kenney said, “We are seeing positive signs and positive trends with case numbers, the positivity rates, the rate of transmission and new hospitalizations coming down that is good news, but it is still very early, and those gains are very tentative they could all be lost overnight this weekend.”

Kenney went on to ask, “I plead with Albertans not to read into some recent encouraging data a license to ignore the public health guidelines and restrictions that are in place.”

The restrictions entail that those that are unvaccinated and are at very high risk, are asked to remain in their own household for the weekend.

For those that are vaccinated, they are being asked to limit indoor household gatherings to two groups of no more than ten people. While the chance of infection is much lower, it is not zero.

Outdoor gatherings have been dropped to a maximum of 20 people. 

Dr. Hinshaw also did her utmost to stress the importance of Albertans remaining safe this long weekend.  “Our choices matter, and it is critically important that we all make the safest choices this weekend. Please, follow the rules in place. Go above and beyond them whenever you can. Let’s make our long weekend as small and socially distanced as possible. We can connect virtually where possible, and outdoors if meeting in person. As disappointing and frustrating as this may be, it is the reality of our current situation. A reality we all must face – and combat – together. Viral spread is still high, and our hospitals and health-care workers are still under extreme pressure. Each of us has the power to make a difference and protect our communities.” Was her plea.

After delivering the news of government support for Alberta businesses with the Restriction Exemption Program, Minister Schweitzer also made a plea saying, "There are so many small businesses and just Albertan's jobs are on the line. We have to get through this 4th wave. Please, listen to the health orders."

The COVID-19 numbers for Thursday, October 7 saw 1,254 new cases reported over the past 24 hours with a positivity rate of 8.1 per cent.

Hospitalizations increased by 11 to 1,094.

ICU admissions increased by one case for a total of 248.

In a 24-hour period, 13 more deaths were reported bringing the total in the province to 2,814.

The age of those passing away was between 55 and 91.  Dr. Hinshaw says, “The vast majority of deaths we report each day are in people who are not fully vaccinated. I want reiterate the importance of the protection of both doses of vaccine.”

As of October 6, 2021 the City of Grande Prairie has 467 active cases of COVID-19, and the County of Grande Prairie has 232 cases.
