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Holy Trinity Catholic School Division sign
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(File Photo)

With school board elections happening in November, Holy Trinity Catholic School Division (HTCSD) will soon be calling for nominations. 

Curt Van Parys is the returning officer, working with the cities of Moose Jaw and Swift Current, and the town of Shaunavon to administer the election.  

“We’re going to open up nominations on September 24th for our candidates from Shaunavon and Moose Jaw. Bit of a change in Swift [Current], where they will open up nominations on the 23rd,” explained Van Parys. 

Nominations will be open until Oct. 9 at 4 p.m. “People will have an opportunity to withdraw, so if they have a second thought about running for the board, then they can withdraw by October 10th at 4 p.m.,” he added. 

Requirements for nominees include: 

  • Must be at least 18 years old 

  • Must be a Canadian citizen 

  • Must have lived within the school division for at least three consecutive months and in Saskatchewan for at least six consecutive months before the nomination paper is submitted 

  • Must be of the religious faith of the school division (Catholic) 

  • Must have their nomination paper signed off by 10 voters of HTCSD 

  • Must provide current criminal record check (after April 1, 2024) 

Four trustees represent Moose Jaw, and there is one trustee each for Swift Current and Shaunavon. If they do not receive enough candidates by the nomination deadline, there will be a second call for nominations starting Oct. 10, with a deadline of Oct. 23. 

Van Parys spoke about what would happen if only four nominees come forward for Moose Jaw. “There is no need to have an election, and we would file what is called an ‘Abandonment of Poll’.” 

Current HTCSD board members for Moose Jaw include Joann Blazieko (Chair), Derek Hassen (Vice-Chair), Alison Bradish, and Christine Boyczuk.

School board elections will be held on Wednesday, Nov. 13, with full results expected to be released two days later.  
