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The Saskatchewan Teachers' Federation (STF) has expressed strong opposition to the provincial government's decision to allocate more taxpayer funds to private schools, calling it a move toward the privatization of education. The announcement that Prairie Spirit School Division is partnering with Roadways Literacy, an independent school, has drawn sharp criticism from STF President Samantha Becotte.

"This government continues to prioritize private schools over public education," Becotte stated. "Literacy support programs already exist in school divisions, but they are underfunded, with many being propped up by charity fundraisers."

Becotte pointed out that programs like The Science of Reading, which offers individualized instruction, have been scaled back across Saskatchewan due to budget cuts. She emphasized that while Roadways Literacy is utilizing this well-known teaching method, it is not exclusive to them and has been underutilized in public schools due to staffing shortages and a lack of professional development for educators.

From 2020 to 2025, government funding for independent schools in the province has risen by 79 percent, while public school funding has only increased by 13 percent during the same period. The STF is urging both the government and Prairie Spirit School Division’s board of trustees to reverse the partnership decision and focus on supporting all Saskatchewan students.

Becotte was clear in her condemnation of the government’s priorities. “This is a deliberate choice to bolster private schools rather than address the challenges in public education,” she said. “This undermines the public school system and is not in the best interest of Saskatchewan families.”

She also criticized public school trustees, stating they should be pushing for increased funding to meet students' needs instead of diverting money to private institutions. The upcoming school board trustee elections, set to open nominations by September 24, offer a chance for the public to voice their concerns.

The STF is encouraging the public to visit the "Tell Them Tuesday" campaign for more information and to join the movement advocating for better public schools.
