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Semi-tractor trailers are a common sign in the West Central Region, with them being one of the major components of our supply chain (File Photo)

This week from September 15 to 21 is an important opportunity to highlight the role of a strong supply chain growing the provincial economy. 

Saskatchewan is home to not only the oil production and farming we are most familiar with but also the many mines, forestry projects, and manufacturing. These large-scale industries rely on a working and robust supply chain that flows the lifeblood around the country from Saskatchewan. 

Jeremy Harrison, Trade and Export Development Minister, in a recent release, was more than happy to explain "Our government has worked closely with suppliers and supply chain professionals to ensure all of the industries within our province, including forestry, mining, energy, manufacturing and agriculture have a strong and resilient supply chain,"   

Harrison explains that Saskatchewan exports a large amount, and having a supply chain that works is important to economic growth. 
"As a province that exports nearly 70 percent of everything we produce, having a reliable supply chain network is integral to our continued economic growth. This economic growth is what allows us to make investments in Saskatchewan's strong and vibrant communities." 

Saskatchewan Institute Supply Chain Canada CEO and Executive Director Donnalyn Thorsteinson pressed the importance of a week like this to recognize the machine that keeps things alive within the province.” It is a time to honour the unseen work of supply chain professionals, whose efforts ensure businesses remain operational, goods reach consumers, and communities stay connected”

This focus on a strong and hardy supply chain has ensured GDP would reach an all-time high of $77.9 billion, an increase of $1.2 billion. Private capital investment is predicted to reach $14.2 billion in 2024, an increase of 14.4 percent over last year—this is in the running to be the highest anticipated percentage increase in Canada. 

More information can be found here 
