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Seine River School Division office

The Seine River School Board is looking for public input regarding a motion to reduce the number of trustees in the division. 

Trustee Robert Rivard made the motion to reduce the nine-member school board down to only six trustees for the next election in 2026. 

Chair Wendy Bloomfield says the motion was initially made at the end of June, and it has now been deferred until their meeting in December. 

“To give opportunity to distribute the notice of motion to our regular stakeholders that we invite input from parent advisory councils, our principals and those sorts of groups and give trustees a chance to talk to people and to get feedback on what the public is thinking. What are some of the concerns? What are the pros, cons, so that we have a good understanding before any decision is made.” 

Bloomfield says this is one way to save money as the board works at reducing their deficit. 

“It would be less cost for trustee indemnities and committees and mileage, and those sorts of things, if you're only paying for six trustees instead of nine. At a ballpark figure I'm not sure what that might be, somewhere in the neighborhood of maybe $30,000 to $50,000 a year, but I would say more like $30,000.” 

Bloomfield says that while they look at cost savings, it should be noted that the Seine River S.D. covers a large area and it’s important to make sure there are enough trustees to adequately represent all families in the division. 

Trustees approved an indemnity increase in July, though Bloomfield notes they did not have any increase for the previous six years. 

She adds the board has made some cuts at the board level which is helping to save money. 

“We did tighten our own belts.”  

Bloomfield says the board eliminated meals that were provided for meetings. 

“That was done last year already. Trustees have typically gone to our Manitoba School Boards Association Conference, and we eliminated any support for hotel rooms for trustees to stay during the convention. So, there were some minor changes already made.” 

At the recent board meeting, Vice Chair Christine Roskos voiced a concern with having six trustees as that would mean there could be tie votes. She suggested seven trustees would be a better number. 

The board will bring this discussion back to the table on December 10th, and trustees are expected to vote on the motion. 
