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Photo by Natasha Wiebe

Todd Bedore announced he will be running for City Council in the upcoming election. Bedore says he was born and raised in Weyburn and looks forward to his campaign. 

“I think Weyburn has given me a lot and it's time to give back. I think I've got a lot to offer the city in this role. I have lots of experience across multiple sectors, oil and gas, manufacturing, a lot of volunteer work through TeleMiracle and also the community, football and the young fellows. I think I have a well-rounded perspective.” 

Bedore emphasizes his role in the community alongside his penchant for leadership. 

“Leadership is a big thing for me and throughout my career, that's something I pride myself on is being able to lead. Lead a crew, lead people and even lead administration. We need to have strong leadership moving forward to get some of the goals set out and done.” 

Regarding community engagement he says he’s not afraid of difficult conversations and says he plans to be available to the community through any channel if elected. 

“When you're elected that is your role 100%. Your role is to listen to the people and make sure that the policies and everything that council has before them is for the people and the community.” 

Bedore highlights the tax base and city infrastructure as part of his focus. 

“The big thing is getting our community on the map again, we need to get some investment in this town. Get the tax base up. We're also in a little bit of an infrastructure deficit so we need to continue building our roads and making sure we have a path forward for the next 5 to 10 years. They're doing a great job right now of doing the big construction jobs and getting to the root causes of some of the failures and we just need to continue that.” 

He finishes by encouraging the residents of Weyburn to make their voices heard.  

“The biggest thing with an election coming up is make sure you come out and vote. That's very important. Everybody, you pay taxes in the city of Weyburn, and you use the facilities. You must come out and vote.” 
