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(l-r) The STARS Rescue on the Island contestants in the red jumpsuits, Al Babiuk, Sarah Normandeau, and Bernhard Teichroeb. STARS crew next to the helicopter in the blue jumpsuits

The Killarney-Turtle Mountain Fire Department will be hosting a very special fundraiser in early October, this for one of Manitoba's vital health services that many of us have used, and if we haven't used STARS Air Ambulance ourselves, then we know a loved-one or a member of the community who has. 

For event coordinator, Al Babiuk, the organization became very important to him when he participated in the STARS fundraiser, Rescue on the Island in 2020.  He saw firsthand the dedication, the in-depth training, the often-precarious environment the STARS helicopter must land and take off in, and the necessity of this type of critical care service.  Al's passion was infectious, and many residents and businesses supported the fundraiser that Al was organizing together with the Killarney Fire Department.  

Unfortunately, Al was involved in a vehicle accident near Ninette earlier this month.  His sudden and tragic passing has been overwhelming to his family, friends and neighbors.  Everyone who knew Al Babiuk knew the heart behind the smile, and the passion behind the voice that championed building community, including the STARS Air Ambulance funding and awareness campaign that he spearheaded. 

The October 3rd fundraiser has been renamed the Al Babiuk Memorial Fundraising Event and Open House.

Just days before his passing, Al openly shared his support for STARS, and with the blessing and encouragement of his family we share those comments in today's story. 

Since their very first mission in 1985 providing critical has been the mission of STARS Air Ambulance.  Here in the rural corner of our province, Manitobans at any given time might need emergency care and a transfer to a hospital that is one hour away. Often road travel is not feasible for live-saving care.  Even if the initial hospital is nearby, a critical care unit is a distance away, an hour or more by ambulance.   

As they say, STARS became the best hope for patients in a worst-case scenario. 

The fire department will be hosting their memorial fundraiser at the Killarney Fire Hall Thursday, October 3rd from 4-6 pm at the fire hall on South Railway Street. 

The fundraiser is two-fold, to raise funds and awareness of STARS as well as to fund the purchase of a ventilator for the Tri-Lakes Health Centre in Killarney. The soft goal is $50,000.

"The local fire department wanted to host the event at the firehall," shared event coordinator, Al Babiuk. "Because they work so closely with STARS they wanted to get involved and try and get the community over to the firehall as well. The hospital is also working on acquiring a ventilator here in Killarney so that is also going to be part of the fundraising, along with STARS."

When Al participated with STARS Rescue on the Island in 2020, he was President and CEO of Loewen Windows and Doors. 

"Even though I spent most of my years living in and working in the rural area near Steinbach I wasn't as aware of STARS and what they do until I got involved in that.  I became very passionate about it after my experience, but this fundraiser allowed me to say, 'Hey can we do something bigger because if we can get everybody together and thinking that this is an important cause, then we can probably do more."

"There are so many people who have their own story, or they know someone who has had some connection with STARS," he shared. "I can't say it enough, but the people I met through STARS, their knowledge and their ability to deal with situations under pressure was amazing, because every time is pressure, right?  So, it's not just the helicopter and the equipment, but the people are so very dedicated and critical to what they do."

Since the planning for the Thursday evening fundraiser began, Al spoke openly about the incredible community support, the donations for live and silent auctions, for the BBQ and the funding match from the Killarney Foundation. Al and Cindy retired in Killarney having moved west from the Steinbach area and they embraced their community the same as the community embraced them. 

"This is definitely a team effort, and it takes a village, right? to do these things," he added. "So, I'm just helping as one of the quarterbacks, is what I call it.  Fire Chief Troy Cuvelier and Dr. Bement and a ton of other people have already been involved. And the all the firefighters are extremely excited about this because they work so closely with STARS and want to really build that connection as well."

"We have a long list of people to thank," he added. "I saw the community jumped on the opportunity to support this.  People recognize it when you say the word STARS, but I think people will have a chance to learn about it more if they come out and actually get to talk to the different STARS personnel, see the equipment and hear what's going on.  I think that's the key."

Everyone in the surrounding communities is invited to join the BBQ. Past local STARS patients will be sharing their experience, and the local fire department will be explaining how STARS is critical to their work.  Killarney area doctors will be talking about the STARS training they have received as well. 

All donations made during the fundraising campaign will be matched by funds donated to the Killarney Foundation for this event up to $20,000.  Please make all donations by cheque payable to Killarney Foundation with STARS in the memo area of the cheque or include a note referring to STARS if donating by cash. 

"We know that STARS is very important to us out here in the southwest and we'd like to bring more attention to the services they provide for us, all of us, in our province," shares Troy Cuvelier, Killarney-Turtle Mountain Fire Chief. "Continuing with this fundraiser and bringing attention to STARS and the important work they do is what Al would have wanted. We've renamed the fundraiser as the Al Babiuk Memorial Fundraising Event and Open House in memory of Al.

Please listen to more with Al Babiuk below.  Again, we thank the Babiuk family for their encouragement for us to share this interview and to share Al's story.   He continues to be an inspiration to us all.

(photo credit: Al Babiuk)  

2020 STARS Rescue on the Island competitors: Al Babiuk, Loewen Windows & Doors, Sarah Normandeau, Town & RM of St. Anne, Bernhard Teichroeb Wiebe's Steel Structures. 

Audio file