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Janice Weber and Joanne Koski at newly renovated SPCA site
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(L-R) The Humboldt and District SPCA's Janice Weber and Joanne Koski at newly renovated SPCA site.

The Humboldt and District SPCA has launched a capital campaign at a time when the organization is feeling the financial pressure of juggling its operation in two locations.  

Preparations continue at its new site just south of Humboldt while it maintains its current shelter operations on Highway 5. The goal is to vacate their current premises this fall to minimize the burden of maintaining lease payments and a mortgage.  

Joanne Koski, board member and spokesperson for the Humboldt SPCA, talks about the latest fundraising effort 

“The costs of being in the current building are ongoing, so we are trying to fundraise to keep those doors open, while at the same time moving forward with our new project so we can get into our new building, hopefully before the snow flies,” Koski explains. 

The capital campaign details have been sent out to area organizations and businesses. The hope is that the generosity of local corporate donors will provide the funds to finish off the new site renos and facilitate an early move. Koski says businesses and organizations who have not yet received campaign details can connect with the SPCA 

“There are different ways to help. You can sponsor a kennel or a part of the building or make a cash donation. We will have a wall recognizing all of the donations with incremental amounts recognized.” 

Individual donors are more than welcome to participate in the fundraising effort. 

“We have ‘Paws for a Cause’ starting up. Any donation greater than $500 will be recognized on our wall, and any business or personal donation can receive a receipt for tax purposes.” 

This is happening while the Humboldt SPCA continues to shelter animals and meet its expenses for food and veterinary costs, all of which are considerable throughout the year. Koski says that while this round of fundraising is specifically for the necessary improvements to their new facility, the need for dollars to keep animals fed, healthy and ready for adoption is always there. 

The good news is that once the initial expansion is complete, the SPCA can begin working on projects that will engage pet owners and generate revenue for the organization. 

“Phase Two for us is going to be a boarding facility. Kenneling services are something we are asked for over and over again. It’s a need in this area since there is no place close by – people are travelling an hour to an hour and a half just to kennel their animals while they have a little vacation. We will be able to offer those services, and we are hoping to start that phase next spring.”  

Koski says their vision will also include a much-needed dog park for the city and area dogs to have a run. The considerable space available at their new site affords a wonderful opportunity. 

The City of Humboldt had been exploring the potential of a dog park, and Mayor Michael Behiel wholeheartedly supports the SPCA’s efforts. Behiel says the City is set to put its shoulder into the venture.  

“The City is very excited to be partnering with the SPCA on their new facility and the off-leash dog park,” Behiel confirmed. “The dog park was something that was in the works for us for several years, trying to find a way to fit it in and get it in the budget.” 

Behiel says when the City became aware of the SPCA project, the best thing to do was to partner with them and effectively “kill two birds with one stone.” The City ran into some logistical issues with its own proposed location, and Behiel says the availability of a large tract of land at the new SPCA site fit the bill for the park perfectly.  

The dog park project also comes with some other important commitments from the City, says Behiel. That includes supporting development of access roads, personnel commitments, and support along establishing cost effective water access.  

The City had initially allotted $30,000 for the park, and in-kind donations of labour and equipment use will add to the security of the project.  

It’s an exciting time for the Humboldt and District SPCA, but the group acknowledges there is much work to be done, and it takes money to do it. Contact the SPCA for more details on the capital campaign or “Paws for a Cause” campaigns or head to humboldtspca.com. Watch for other upcoming fundraising activities.  
