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The cell phone ban was announced during the recent summer break.

Classes are back in session for the 2024-25 school year, with a noticeable difference across Manitoba schools: a provincial government-imposed ban on cell phones.

Camille Sanderson teaches Grade 7 at La Verendrye School and says cell phones were certainly becoming a hassle to deal with during the previous school year.

"My students had it out in class," notes Sanderson. "They were allowed at recess and lunch so they would take it out and sit outside in the beautiful weather and just be on their phones."

As students adjust to a school day without phones, she says this has brought back a feeling of normalcy when seeing how the kids interact.

"I'm finding that at recess the kids are being kids again," explains Sanderson. "They're playing tag, they're talking to one another, they're playing volleyball, basketball. It is definitely a big change, but I think it's a positive change. 

Shelby Kopytko, a Grade 8 teacher at La Verendrye School, adds that while students may not be thrilled about the ban, compliance has been better than anticipated.

"We were having a lot of issues leading up over the past couple of years and it was interesting seeing how kids were using their phones and sort of addicted to them," says Kopytko. "Seeing this stop and trying to get the kids outside of that bubble and outside of their comfort zone is necessary."

Despite the grumbles and complaints from some students who are still unhappy with the ban, Kopytko notes that they're still trying to find ways to use technology in positive ways.

"We've always been pro-technology and it's just about finding a healthy balance and a healthy way to make it through this," claims Kopytko. "It was found that the phone use was not at a healthy level. It's a matter of using the school-provided technology to facilitate learning and that's been going well."

The cell phone ban is in effect at all times for Kindergarten to Grade 8 students, while Grades 9-12 students can use phones when instructed and during their breaks.
