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Devin Baumann
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Photo: Regina Thunder Facebook Page

The Regina Thunder's 51 - 16 win over the Edmonton Wildcat, with the help of a Moose Jaw football product.

On Sunday, September 15, the Regina Thunder hosted the Wildcats in their second match-up of the season. Devin Baumann was named Prairie Football Conference Special Teams Player of the Week with two blocked punts, recovered the second block for a touchdown, and made two assisted special teams tackles.

"The first one I had to get up the corner and they chipped me, so it was a little harder. On the next one, it just came right to me and made it happen," said Devin Baumann.

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#51 Baumann running to recover the football in the endzone (Photo: Wanda Harron Photography)

Coming into the game, Baumann already led the team in special tackles with six and another blocked kick earlier in the season. The Thunder's next game is on Sunday, September 22 at 1 PM as they travel to Edmonton to take on the Huskies.


