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A normal Monday morning quickly turned into a nightmare for the Pool family when a fire broke out on their farm between Muenster and St. Gregor.

The fire which Merissa Pool thinks began in the family’s camper, quickly spread to their truck and eventually engulfed their shop, resulting in significant property damage. "We’re still not sure who reported it but thank God for them. The fire burned so fast and hot, but the Annaheim Fire Department was on the scene quickly and prevented it from spreading to our house and barns."

Merissa's husband, Joey, was at work when neighbors David Hogemann, Owen Wickenhauser, and Gord Berting contacted him about the fire. Upon returning home, he found volunteers already hard at work. Neighbors, including Justin Korte with his water truck, stepped in to help the firefighters. Another local, Tyler Knaus, offered assistance, despite living across town.

“The volunteer firefighters were incredible. They responded so quickly, getting the fire under control and staying afterward to ensure there were no hot spots,” Merissa recalled. She also praised the Humboldt police and ambulance teams for their swift response, ensuring no one was injured.

a pile of rubble from the fire at the Pool farm

Despite the devastating loss of their truck, camper, and shop, Merissa emphasized the family’s gratitude for the overwhelming community support they received. "We’re new to the area, but the number of people who came by to help was astounding. We’ve never experienced anything like this before."

The Pools are currently awaiting results from an inspection to determine the fire's cause, though they believe it started in the camper. Fortunately, the family has insurance to cover the damages, and Merissa expressed relief that the fire did not occur while they were at the lake, where it could have caused even greater destruction.

Though still reeling from the event, the Pools are focusing on their blessings. "It was just stuff, and everything is replaceable. We’re so grateful for everyone’s help and the speed of the response. We didn’t lose our home, and for that, we’re counting our blessings."

The Pool family plans to begin cleanup in the coming week.

You can listen to the full interview with 107.5 Bolt FM's Sarah Miller and Merissa Pool below.



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