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COVID Winnipeg summer window display

The Prairie Mountain and Interlake-Eastern health regions continue to see low rates of new daily COVID-19 cases.

There are 79 new COVID-19 cases in Manitoba, bringing the total number of cases to 61,796. Of the new cases, 52 people are not vaccinated, seven are partially vaccinated, and 20 are fully vaccinated.

New cases by health region include:

  • 25 in Southern Health Sante Sud
  • 24 in Northern
  • 16 in Winnipeg
  • seven in Prairie Mountain
  • seven in Interlake-Eastern


Manitoba's test rate returns to 3.8 per cent after a slight 0.1 per cent increase over Thanksgiving weekend. There are 923 active cases. The total number of deaths remains at 1,224.

In the hospital, there are 94 people, 58 of which have active COVID cases. Sixty-seven per cent of all active hospitalizations are people who are not vaccinated, 24 per cent who are fully vaccinated and nine per cent who are partially vaccinated.

There are 15 people in intensive care, with 10 of those people having active cases. Most active intensive care patients are not vaccinated at 80 per cent, with the remaining split equally between partially vaccinated and fully vaccinated. 

To date, 2,025,661 doses of vaccine have been given in Manitoba. 
