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The dangerous intersection of highway 5 and the Trans-Canada highway at Carberry


At about 4 p.m. last Wednesday, the Carberry Fire Department received a call about an accident at the intersection of Highway 5 and the Trans-Canada Highway leading into the community. Deputy Fire Chief Grady Stephenson said a semi was parked waiting to turn south off the westbound lane, blocking part of the view of the roadway for another vehicle.

“A vehicle wasn’t able to see and was struck by a westbound vehicle as it proceeded through the intersection. We were directing traffic in both directions, with the westbound travel lane closed. We just wanted to keep things under control. So, we were directing traffic in all four directions while we were there.”

Stephenson noted there were no fatalities, though there were injuries, as the car was turning left after heading west to enter the community.

“The semi wasn’t actually involved. It was two passenger vehicles. With that short median in the middle, sometimes semis can’t get around if a vehicle is in the centre. So they have to wait, which causes an obstruction to the eastward view at the intersection. Our frustrations are growing with that, as first responders and community members. It’s been a lot, and we’re getting pretty tired of it.”

The vehicles that collided were travelling north and west.

“We just want to make it clear that our frustrations are really growing with this intersection. We know they’re working on things right now, but something has to change. Even in the interim, until the final solution is done — and we know that’s going to take time — this can’t keep happening every few months.”

Stephenson explained the fire department plans to send a letter to the government to officially register that this is a recurring problem and that change is necessary.

“What we know is that there’s supposed to be another public consultation this fall, as they narrow things down. But we haven’t heard anything concrete about what the long-term plan is. That’s supposed to be announced in early 2025, from what we’ve been told. At the last public meeting, everything was back on the table, from an overpass to lights, extended medians or even a roundabout. There are multiple options on the table. It sounds like they took a step back and reconsidered everything, not just the three options discussed in January during the road safety review. We haven’t been told anything yet about narrowing it down.”

Traffic resumed normal flow at about 5:45 p.m. after the scene was cleared.

Original Story:


Unconfirmed reports indicated that another serious accident occurred on Highway 1 at the Carberry intersection sometime around 6 p.m. on Wednesday, September 25. At least two vehicles were involved with at least one lane on the eastbound and westbound sides closed. Witnesses claim the scene looked tragic. Traffic was lined up eastward and westward, with long wait times for the flow to move past.

It was just over one year ago on June 15th when 17 Manitobans lost their lives at the same intersection in a tragedy that hurt the hearts of the world.

PortageOnline will release more information should it become available.
