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Chief Medical Officer for Alberta, Dr. Deena Hinshaw announced in her COVID-19 update on Thursday evening that flu season is back.  

“Our annual influenza campaign officially starts on Monday and we will be releasing more information tomorrow on how to book your appointment. While influenza and COVID-19 are very different illnesses several of the symptoms are the same. Fortunately, similar prevention strategies included good hygiene.” 

According to Hinshaw, this season has already had three lab-confirmed seasonal influenza cases, as opposed to zero cases confirmed last year.  

“Last year we saw a record-breaking uptake for the flu shot with more than 1.65 million doses administered. That was the highest uptake we've seen in over 10 years.” 

Hinshaw continued to say that there are some who can get both shots at the same time.  

“Scientific and medical reviews have determined it is safe to get both vaccines at the same time so if you're eligible to get a COVID-19 dose you can book your COVID-19 and influenza immunization appointments to take place at the same time.” 

If not yet eligible for another dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, you can get your influenza vaccine as soon as possible and then book your COVID-19 immunization when you are eligible. 

Information provided by Allie Ruckman/StrathmoreNow
