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Portagers are preparing to be thankful once again, and several citizens and temporary residents shared their reasons with PortageOnline.

Brendon Brydges, Head Coach of the PCI Trojans football team, says he's focused on people this year.

"I'm thankful for my family and for my coaching staff."

Kyle Pettinger, owner of Mil-Jeanne Flowers & Axcenz, has quite a list of things he's thankful for in 2024.

"Personally, we're thankful for our amazing family who's all here in Portage la Prairie, and for our adopted son, our billet Parker Scherr, who's a great role model for our boys growing up. And as a business owner here in Portage la Prairie, I'm very thankful for our incredible community that supports us, and an absolutely amazing staff."

Rhonda Lodwick, the broker at Century 21 Foxx Realty, also focused on those in her life and her life specifically.

"I'm thankful for my family, my friends, my staff, my clients, and for sure, my health."

The Portage Terriers also got involved with thankfulness, and Parker Scherr, the captain, is thankful for many things this year.

"I'm thankful to be a part of the Terriers organization, I'm thankful for having the best billets in the world, the Pettingers who own the Mil-Jeanne flower store. I'm thankful for their two boys who keep me lots of company at home, Kaden and Jayce. I'm thankful for the school division, for actually employing me and some of my teammates, so we can have a job and makes some money over the season, that allows us to get into the community a little bit. And I'm thankful for hockey too, being able to play another season here in Portage."

Rhett Perrin, another Terrier, adds what he's thankful for this season.

"I'm thankful for all our wonderful fans."
