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Samaritan House Ministries on Pacific Ave in downtown Brandon

Executive Director of Samaritan House Ministries, Barb McNish, says she can't say thank you enough times for all the generous donations over the past year, and for future donations.

“Maybe we can’t afford a monetary donation, maybe we can,” shares McNish. "But even if you’d like to help by giving $5 a month, just to support an agency of your choosing, it is helpful because if you have ten people doing that, it adds up."   

"Prayer is also so important,” she adds. “I believe that if people are praying, God supplies the needs, and He hears the prayers of people. So, pray for our staff, the people who come to our foodbank and our shelter, our government.  You know, just praying and asking the Lord to bless us is so very good.  So, it doesn’t have to be monetary.” 

McNish says not everyone is able to drop off a case of soup or of beans or vegetables, however if they set aside just one can it all adds up with the next one who is able to give just one can. 

“If 20 people drop off one tin of soup, we have 20 tins of soup.  These are just the little things that add up!” 

Samaritan House Ministries will be participating in opportunities to be out in the public over the next few months and McNish encourages folks to come up and say Hello. 

“It’s important that people know how much we really, really appreciate it, and so if I get an opportunity ever to shake your hand and say thank you personally, I’m going to do it!” 

McNish says their hearts are so full of gratitude and thankfulness for the continuous giving that comes from across the entire Westman Region.

"I say thank you, thank you, and may the Lord bless you, because honestly you're doing it unto Him," shares McNish. "You know the Bible verse that says, 'If you've done it to the least of these, God said you've done it unto Me."

Related Story:  Westman Region's Bountiful Donations Boost Samaritan House Amid Rising Needs

Related Story: Warm Hearts and Warm Hands: Samaritan House Prepares for Cold Weather

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