The YWCA Westman is closing the gap of securing their funds to putting out the call for request for proposals for their pre-development work for their build project to build the new Meredith Place Women's Shelter in Brandon.
"We've been able to secure the funding that would provide us the ability to engage in a consultant and with professionals who can help us to determine what type of building and the size of the building and all of the different services that we'll be able to provide at that facility," shares Executive Director, Lois Ruston.
"So, it's pretty exciting and we're just in the start of the official capacity to put out a call for proposals for the pre-development work."
Ruston says they're reaching out to YWCA facilities and companies across the country to help them determine what they should build; what it should look like in order to best support the programs they offer. She adds the project needs to be affordable and feasible from a financial perspective, and that they're able to incorporate all those important areas into the facility.
"Of course, if it has a business plan then we will be able to support it in the long-term," she adds. "So, that is all of the pre-development work that we'll get started on, is to look at all of those different facets.
The Westman's Women's shelter offers a safe place for victims of domestic violence, as well as counselling services and other support programs. Ruston says they are hoping to facilitate transitional housing in the new facility, something that they recognize is needed in the Westman region.
"We need to find a consultant who can help us determine exactly what we can build, and what we should build and all of the different funding partners and agencies and fundraisers that we need to make that a reality."
Last week the YWCA received purple bags filled with toiletries and necessary items for those staying at the Westman Women's Shelter from the Virden chapter of the Royal Purple. This is something that is done every year on Purple Thursday, the third Thursday in October by the Canadian Royal Purple Society for shelters across the country.
"When I joined the YWCA staff I was amazed at the number of people throughout the entire region," shares Ruston. "We are the Westman Women's Shelter, and we work to become more available to women throughout the region. But the number of organizations from church groups to groups like the Virden Royal Purple, to you name it from Baldur to Pipestone and Reston and everywhere in between who think of us and support us."
"It's amazing and heartwarming to know that we have that support throughout the whole region," she adds.
Please listen to more with Lois Ruston below as she shares more on the capital campaign of the rebuilding of Meredith Place in downtown Brandon.