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Data from a Shared Health spokesperson shows one outlier while looking at how many healthcare workers are choosing not to be tested or fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

Shared health says 158 workers reportedly not willing to follow the Public Health Order mandating full vaccination or regular COVID-19 testing at certain locations will not be paid for their absences.

This represents various positions in the health care system.


By the numbers

According to Shared Health's data, confirming people who are not fully vaccinated against COVID-19 and will not get regularly tested for COVID-19, the lowest amount of people not complying are those with CancerCare Manitoba (zero people), Northern Health, (two people), and Shared Health, (three people), have the lowest numbers of people.

The Winnipeg Regional Health Authority is seeing 17 absences, Prairie Mountain 26, and Interlake-Eastern 27 absences.

Southern Health Sante Sud is the outlier at 83 people who are not fully vaccinated and are unwilling to be tested regularly. 

"While the vast majority of health care facilities are reporting no significant impacts related to these individuals being away from work, Southern Health-Santé Sud does continue to actively redeploy staffing from other programs in the region to safely ensure ongoing quality care and services to Manitobans at affected sites. This includes Eastview Place in Altona and Salem Home in Winkler," a Shared Health spokesperson says in a statement.

A Southern Health spokesperson says they cannot disclose how many staff at specific sites are on unpaid leave due to this mandate.


Southern Health shortages

On Friday, Long Term and Continuing Care Association of Manitoba's executive director, Jan Legeros was concerned about the geographic ability to send help to Salem Home, who was planning for possible staff shortages.

"Designated family caregivers are continuing to visit and provide some support with feeding and visiting at some sites. Contingency plans have been and continue to be in place and the staffing impacts continue to be very closely monitored," Shared Health says.

Protests were held at care homes Altona Memorial Health Centre and Eastview Personal Care Home Monday.

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Signs with the phrases "ready and able to work, please let me" and "stand up for health care workers" were made for Monday's demonstrations. 

"Medical testing and vaccination are deeply personal health decisions that must be made on an individual basis, drawing on each individual's beliefs, values, and personal experiences. These are not decisions that can be mandated by any outside person, organization, or level of government," a statement sent out by the protesting group said on Monday.

People in attendance included Winkler's mayor.

"Individuals exercising their democratic right to protest are asked to stay off health authority and health-care facility property," the Shared Health spokesperson says in a statement. 

Shared Health says a pool of internationally educated nurses and casual COVID-19 workers are volunteering to help address the shortages. 
