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Municipality of Rhineland Council has decided how it will raise its portion of a landmark, multi-municipality commitment to the Pembina Valley Water Co-op (PVWC).
In August, all 14 of the PVWC's member municipalities agreed to provide a total of $15 million over the next 10 years in order to get going on an aggressive capital infrastructure program, with larger users paying more than smaller users.

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Rhineland's contribution, including the Altona Rural and Halbstadt Marias Water Co-ops, is estimated to be $2,791,300 over that period. 

That breaks down to $378,918 per year ($289,367 for capital improvements) and ($89,671 for PVWC debt relief) in the first five years, 2025-2029, and $89,671 per year (debt relief) in the second five years from 2030-2034.

After evaluating the ways it could generate the necessary funds, Reeve Don Wiebe says Council opted to do it through taxation, noting they felt it was the most fair and equitable solution.

"Our tax rate is really quite modest. It's certainly at the lower side (compared to) our neighbours around us," said Wiebe, explaining this approach will distribute the load among all rate payers.

The increase, expected to be around .5 mills, will be applied to all levels of taxation in the municipality - residential, commercial and farmland - and will come into effect for the new tax year.

Author Alias