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Remembrance Day in Canada is observed annually on November 11 to honour and remember those who died in military service and those who served in wartime. This day marks the anniversary of the Armistice agreement that ended World War I in 1918. As we approach this important day, we pause to honour the brave men and women who have served our country, from the two great wars to today. The South East Military Museum, located a short drive north of Estevan, holds a treasure trove of artifacts that tell the stories of these heroes. In this series, "11 Days of Remembrance," we will showcase one artifact each day, with curator Craig Bird explaining its history and significance.

Day 1: A Poppy from Ypres, Belgium


Day 2: A WW1 SMLE Rifle with Cup Discharging Grenade Launcher


Day 3: A Heliograph


Day 4: Jewellery of Friendship - Crafted by RAF Trainee Albert Shapland


Day 5: WW1 German Training Slides

German Slide 1
Kreisbildstelle Eckenförde = Area mapping Eckenforde.
German Slide 2
Feindliche Stellung = enemy position. 
Niemandsland = no man's land.
German Slide 3
Gewachsener Boden = undisturbed ground. 
aufgeschüttete Erde = piled on dirt. 
Schützengraben = fighting trench.
German Slide 4
Schützengraben = fighting trench.

German Slide 5

German Slide 6
Ziel = objective (goal) 
Feuerstellung der Batterie = own GUN position.
Feindlicher Graben = enemy trench.
Beobachtungsstelle=observation post.
Eigene Vordere Stellung = own advanced position.
Fernsprech verbindung = communications post.


Day 6: WW1 Souvenir Belt of Estevan’s William Gilbert Brookes of the 46th Battalion


Day 7: Dale McEachen's Handmade Uniform from Father’s WWII Attire


Day 8: WW2 Soldier Wilf Dunkley and His Dieppe Raid Poem


August 18 / 19 1942

No crowd to cheer us on our way
No Martial Airs, it was late in the day
Our God Speed was the silent word
Whispered Good luck as we marched aboard

Moving forward, quietly fast
With hardly a breeze on an ocean of glass
The hum of the ship assails our ears
While quietly striving to hide our fears

Many times, we check our arms
Laugh at rumors and alarms
For this we’ve trained to do our part
The waiting o’re, it’s time to start

We’re there at last and now we feel
The foeman land beneath the heel
Silent and crouching ready to go
Awaiting the signal from the Unit CO

There is no respite for those who fight
Scream of shells in deadly flight
We fought and held till time ran low
Held the beach, heard the tides murmuring flow

A morning of Hell and of pain
Dear God, will we see home again
Or is this our day and now tis done
Do we stay on the beach in the midday sun

The boats are moving out at last
Amid waters churned from cannon blast
Filled with wounded bloody and torn
With the heat of the day and battle worn

We stood the test in freedoms cause
And in agony did not pause
That’s our answer to Duty’s call
Not Found Wanting
That is all

Cpl W.J Dunkley
South Saskatchewan Regiment
August 28th 1942


Day 9: WWI Pilot Merrill Samuel Taylor’s Tunic and Legacy


Day 10: WWI Barb Wire Recovered from the Somme Region


Day 11: The Princess Mary Christmas Tin – A Gift of Comfort for Commonwealth Soldiers in 1914



As Remembrance Day approaches, we take time to honour all the brave men and women who served our country. The South East Military Museum, just north of Estevan, holds a remarkable collection of artifacts, each telling a story of courage and sacrifice. In our “11 Days of Remembrance” series, we’ll be sharing one artifact daily, each with historical insights from curator Craig Bird. Be sure to check back each day for a new video and join us in reflecting on the legacy of those who served.
