Today is the final day for Carman and R.M. of Dufferin residents to outline their safety needs and concerns, and their well-being, through a community-driven survey.
"We want our community to feel safe," explained Public Education Safety Coordinator, Monica Halbesma. "If we can get this data, then we can see where some of the issues are that people feel where, as a community, we could improve."
With an uptick in vandalism incidents reported in the area and last February's five murders, including three young children and a teenager, Halbesma says it's all about prevention.
"What kind of measures can we put in place, so we don't get an escalated situation?"
Data collected through the survey, noted Halbesma, is crucial for each council to develop targeted programs that enhance the well-being and safety of all community members.
"If things like that need to be put in place, budgets have to be created to facilitate those needs of what the community would like."
Halbesma expects each council to review the feedback in the coming month or so, with further discussions regarding next steps happening in early in the New Year.
You can fill out the survey here.