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COVID Winnipeg summer window display

Manitoba's COVID-19 test rate has spiked to over four per cent.

Since mid-July, Manitoba's five-day test rate has been lower than four percent, but on Tuesday, the province is announcing it has spiked to 4.3 per cent. This is likely due to high case counts over the weekend. The test rate on Monday was 3.9 per cent.

Tuesday's lowered cases and higher test demand will likely lower the five-day test rate later this week if the trend continues. The province says 2,145 tests were taken Monday.

There are 73 new COVID-19 cases on Tuesday, with 49 of the new cases in people who are not vaccinated, 18 who are fully vaccinated, and six who are partially vaccinated.

Cases by health region include:

  • 31 in Southern
  • 18 in Winnipeg
  • 15 in Prairie Mountain
  • nine in Northern
  • none in Interlake-Eastern


This brings the total number of cases to 62,977. There are 1,069 active cases and 60,671 recoveries. There have been 1,237 deaths.

In the hospital, there are 78 patients, 53 of which have active COVID cases. OUt of the active cases, there are 40 people who are not vaccinated, nine who are fully vaccinated, and four who are partially vaccainted. 

There are 17 people in intensive care, with 13 people having active cases. Out of the 13 active cases, 10 are not vaccinated and three are fully vaccinated. 

