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Don Wiebe - Reeve for the RM of Rhineland
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Don Wiebe - Reeve for the RM of Rhineland

CFAM Morning Show co-host Zack Driedger sat down with Don Wiebe, Reeve for the RM of Rhineland to review the year that was in 2024 and also look ahead to the year to come, 2025.

“Setting stage for 2025, January represents a good opportunity to do that, we took stock and reviewed the events of 2024 in context of our strategic plan. To do that, we held a two day retreat in Gretna at the Gretna Prairie Center, and our strategic plan had six areas of focus. The watershed management, the supply of drinking water, governance and leadership, economic growth and development, regional corroboration and communication strategies.”


Don listed five challenges that the RM is expecting in the year to come:

- Provide additional support for drainage, drain maintenance and machine upgrade.

- Engaging expertise in managing and maintaining our infrastructure, including drain maintenance.

- Focusing on the fringe area development with Altona.

- Lobbying the province with respect to bridges, drains and low-level crossings.

- Launching a pilot project with respect to speed reduction along Highway Road 9 W.

This planning process then sets the context and the stage for that 2025 budget.

Catch the entire conversation on the latest Reeve on the Radio with Don Wiebe below:

Audio file
Author Alias