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The MacGregor and Austin Fire Departments after the hockey game

The MacGregor Fire Department hosted its first-ever hockey game on January 18, bringing Austin and MacGregor fire departments together for a friendly and fun competition. The game, which aimed to cap off the year for the municipality, was not just about the sport. It was a community event designed to foster camaraderie and raise support for the local Community Resource Centre (CRC).

MacGregor Fire Chief Chris Leckie spoke about the event.

"It was a fun way for our departments to come together and wrap up the year. We’re looking forward to making this an annual event and building on it in the future.”

While the main goal of the event was to have fun, it also served a charitable purpose. The department asked attendees to bring food donations for the CRC’s food vault.

"It went really well, and we received a good number of donations to support their efforts."

The game itself saw MacGregor pull off a 6-2 victory over the Austin Fire Department, but for Leckie, the outcome was secondary.

"In the end, we’re all winners. It’s about building that teamwork and camaraderie, both on and off the ice."

The event also featured award presentations for members of the fire departments, including pins for 5, 25, and 30 years of service.

“It’s a great way to recognize those who have dedicated so many years to serving the community and to say thank you."

With strong community support, the event was a success, and Leckie fined off with saying

"It's nice to have camaraderie between both departments. We enjoyed ourselves and worked together as a team like we always do when we're responding together on calls."

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The MacGregor and Austin Fire departments after the hockey game for a team photo

