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Noah Szabo, captain of the Steinbach Pistons (Photo credit: Scott Stroh, Ice Wave Media)
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Noah Szabo, captain of the Steinbach Pistons (Photo credit: Scott Stroh, Ice Wave Media)

For Steinbach Piston Noah Szabo, his third in the MJHL, 

So far this year, the 20-year-old from Ontario says it's been mainly positive with more good times to come. "I think the years gone pretty well so far. You know, we've had a decent first half and we brought in some really key players and I think that the group is really gel together."

To start his final season in junior hockey, Szabo was named captain of the Pistons, something he wasn't expecting but was humbled by, especially given who wore the 'C' before him. "I've had two amazing captains since I've been here in Dawson Milliken and Leo Chambers. Great players but amazing people in general. I just hope I can live up to their legacy."

When it's all said and done, Szabo will have had the very unique honor of suiting up for home games in several different arenas. "Getting the chance to play at the Centennial, I remember walking in and seeing the locker room and thinking 'wow, this is junior-A'. Of course, when we moved to La Broquerie, we took our room with us and it's been great."

Szabo says despite having to move from Steinbach to La Broquerie, a brief stint at the CRRC in Niverville for the finals last year then back to La Broquerie, one thing that has stayed consistent has been the support of the community. "Thankfully, the fan support through all the changing locations has always been there and it really helps. It's been quite the ride, but I think we've all come to enjoy it."

Once the calendar changes, things start to feel a little different, the games mean a bit more and for Szabo, a player who's been through it now a few times, he can tell there's a different sense amongst the group, that now's the time to really start to dial in. 

"A big word in our dressing room is buy-in," explains the former MJHL champion. "I think we've seen success early in the year but that doesn't matter when it comes toward the end and in playoffs. I think we all have the same mindset, we're going to ramp things up and get that playoff style game and mentality now."

In the MJHL, players go from rookie to veteran in a blink of an eye and for Szabo, he's been paired with a first year player who has had a very strong season. "That's kind of the fun part, you come in not knowing anything and then you're the one helping someone else kind of find their way. When first-year guys come in, you're never really sure what they'll bring and I think of someone like Reece Gault who've I've played with this year, he's been amazing since day one. He's got so much skill and he's a guy that fit in well right away. It's really nice when the new guys and old guys come together, learn from each other and push each other."

The MJHL/SJHL Showcase rosters were announced last week and Szabo, along with several of his teammates will be heading to the event. Having so many guys get the opportunity is something the captain is very proud of. "It's really awesome for the guys and it's a great event. It's a fun rivalry with the SJHL and to have so many of our guys go, it's really amazing for them to have a chance to impress during a couple days of tough competition."

Having committed last season already, Szabo says his goal for the Showcase is simple. "I want to compete, play my hardest and make the MJ proud. I think being selected is a big honor and I want to represent the MJ and my teammates as best I can."

The Pistons have a few more weeks of regular season hockey before embarking on what they hope is a lengthy playoff run and Szabo says their own zone is an area they will look to really dial in going forward. "Plays along the walls in our zone, we have to lock-down plays, being on the right side of pucks. Those little, important details are the ones that win you playoff games. Total buy in to those details and we'll have success."

Steinbach has three home games coming up, Tuesday vs Selkirk, Thursday vs Waywayseecappo and Friday against Swan Valley.
