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Despite holding virtual races this year, Footstock was able to provide to both the Cochrane Activettes Food Bank and the Iyahrhe Food Bank in Mînî Thnî (Morley). They both received donations of $2,250 (Photo/Footstock).

Even in a year when they held a virtual event, Footstock has been able to embrace the community with donations to two area food banks.

Donations of $2,250 were recently given to both the Cochrane Activettes Food Bank and the Iyahrhe Food Bank in Mînî Thnî (Morley).

Meredith McMorran, chair of the board of race directors, says revenue was lower because it was a virtual event, so they were limited as to what local causes they were able to support. Both food banks were at the top of their list.

"We were thrilled. I think for us putting on a special event in our town means a lot to us, and that only comes about through the participation of runners, the work of volunteers, and the support of our sponsors.

"For us to be in a position after the fact to give back to the community is the icing on the cake. It means the world to us."

Footstock is part of the very fabric of our community. It's a beloved race weekend that many participants and sponsors are eager to support.

After being cancelled in 2020, McMorran said they were determined to hold it in 2021 and went virtual. She says the board of race directors individually spent a lot of time on the virtual course to ensure it had a presence and that participants were kept fully informed.

"The mood, the support, and the enthusiasm of all of the participants we saw on the race course were just fantastic.  People came out, and their families were there to support them."

Youth participated in a duathlon (run, bike, run) this summer instead of the traditional triathlon, and the Smiley Face Group was still able to do their race on a decorated course behind the Spray Lake rec centre.

"It exceeded our expectations. I think we were disappointed to not have a live event, but everybody made the most of the virtual event."

She says they're hoping to hold a live event in 2021. If that's not possible, they'll go virtual. Either way, she says they'll make it memorable for participants. 
