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Airdrie City Council has approved a bylaw amendment to rezone the 516 Centre Avenue NE property from CS (Service Commercial District) to M1 (Neighbourhood Mixed Use District). The decision, made on Feb. 18, allows for the redevelopment of the site, which
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Airdrie City Council has approved a bylaw amendment to rezone the 516 Centre Avenue NE property from CS (Service Commercial District) to M1 (Neighbourhood Mixed Use District). The decision, made on Feb. 18, allows for the redevelopment of the site, which currently houses a vehicle service use. (Graphic Credit to City of Airdrie)

Airdrie City Council has approved a bylaw amendment to rezone the 516 Centre Avenue NE property from CS (Service Commercial District) to M1 (Neighbourhood Mixed Use District). The decision, made on Feb. 18, allows for the redevelopment of the site, which currently houses a vehicle service use.

The proposed project would see a three-storey building constructed on the property, with commercial space on the ground floor and two residential units above.

A transition between commercial and residential areas

Willow Czaban, planner level 3, told council the rezoning would provide a logical transition between commercial properties along Edmonton Trail and the Village residential area.

"The mixed-use typology itself is appropriate for this location, being near Edmonton Trail and functioning as a transitional zoning effectively between the Edmonton Trail corridor and the residential neighbourhood of the Village further west," Czaban said.

Czaban added that while the application is not yet a full development permit, early concept plans suggest a significant improvement over the current site.

"The storefront is [a] significant improvement to what is present on the property today and would be an overall net benefit to the area around it."

Council raises parking concerns

While council supported the rezoning, some raised concerns about how the development might affect parking.

"I would just hate to see [issues] because we have parking congestion on the street behind it. We've had numerous complaints," said Coun. Candice Kolson. "I just want to make sure that moving forward, there is thought and consideration to parking."

Czaban explained that parking requirements must meet the Land Use Bylaw, and the development officer has authority to grant minor variances. However, any major variance would need approval from the standing committee.

Kolson, referencing past developments, warned that relaxing parking rules too often could lead to long-term issues.

"I know the trend is high-density with less parking, but that is not the climate we live in in Alberta," she said. "We need to be careful we’re not creating the same problems we’re already hearing complaints about."

Will the project return to council?

Coun. Ron Chapman asked whether council would have another opportunity to review the project once the development permit stage begins.

"When this goes to [Development Permit] DP, will it be? It won't come back to council? It'll just go to standing committee?" Chapman asked.

Czaban clarified that, as a permitted use, the development officer has approval authority unless significant variances require further review.

"No, it would not go back to council or standing committee, unless there was something significantly out of bounds," Czaban said.

The proposal was reviewed by the Community Infrastructure and Strategic Growth Standing Committee on Jan. 14, where it received unanimous support.

With the rezoning approved, the next step is for the applicant to submit a development permit application. Residents will not have another opportunity to provide input unless a major variance is required.

If approved, the project is expected to bring a modernized streetscape and additional housing to Centre Avenue NE—though some councillors remain cautious about future parking demand.

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