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Public health officials advise 12 new deaths in people with COVID-19 are being reported today:

a female in her 50s from Interlake-Eastern health region (reported Tuesday);
a female in her 80s from the Prairie Mountain Health region and linked to the unspecified variant of concern (reported Tuesday);
a female in her 70s from Southern Health-Santé Sud and linked to the unspecified variant of concern (reported Tuesday);
a male in his 50s from Southern Health-Santé Sud (reported Tuesday);
a male in his 60 from Southern Health-Santé Sud and linked to the unspecified variant of concern (reported Wednesday);
a female in her 70s from the Winnipeg health region and linked to the unspecified variant of concern (reported Wednesday);
a female in her 80 from Southern Health-Santé Sud and linked to an outbreak at Third Crossing Manor (reported Wednesday);
a female in her 70s from the Prairie Mountain Health region, linked to an outbreak at the Benito Personal Care Home and linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Thursday);
a male in his 70s from the Prairie Mountain Health region (reported Thursday);
a female in her 80s from the Prairie Mountain Health region, linked to an outbreak at the Russell Health Centre and Russell Personal Care Home, and linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Thursday);
a male in his 90s from the Winnipeg health region and linked to an outbreak at Holy Family Home (reported Thursday); and
a female in her 100s from the Winnipeg health region and linked to an unspecified variant of concern (reported Thursday).

Today's five-day COVID-19 test positivity rate is 5.5 per cent provincially and 2.5 per cent in Winnipeg. As of 9:30 a.m. today, 459 new cases of the virus have been identified since Monday: 129 cases on Tuesday, Nov. 23; 147 cases on Wednesday, Nov. 24; and 183 cases today. This includes:

Interlake Eastern health region - 16

Northern health region - 80

Prairie Mountain health region - 84

Southern Health-Sante Sud health region - 166

Winnipeg health region - 113

Ten cases have been removed due to data correction. The total number of lab-confirmed cases in Manitoba is 67,275.

There were 183 new cases identified in Manitoba today. Of these, 119 are in individuals who were not fully vaccinated. This includes:

 Interlake Eastern health region - 7 cases, 4 not fully vaccinated

Northern health region - 34 cases, 18 not fully vaccinated

Prairie Mountain health region - 44 cases, 33 not fully vaccinated

Southern Health-Sante Sud health region - 60 cases, 46 not fully vaccinated

Winnipeg health region - 38 cases, 18 not fully vaccinated

Today’s data also shows:

1,493 active cases and 64,478 individuals who have recovered from COVID-19;
136 Manitobans hospitalized with COVID-19 including 86 people with active COVID-19 as well as 50 people who are no longer infectious;
a total of 24 Manitoba patients receiving intensive care for COVID-19 including 17 people in intensive care units with active COVID-19 as well as seven people who are no longer infectious but continue to require critical care;
3,882 laboratory tests were completed yesterday bringing the total number of lab tests completed since early February 2020 to 1,161,717; and
the total number of deaths in people with COVID-19 is 1,304.

Outbreaks have been declared at:

Seven Oaks General Hospital, 4 Unit 8-12, Geri-Rehab unit, in Winnipeg; and
Salem Home personal care home, Evergreen unit, in Winkler.
The facilities have been moved to critical (red) level on the Pandemic Response System.

In the context of the COVID-19 pandemic, two or more cases of COVID-19 diagnosed within a 14-day period in a setting, with evidence of transmission occurring within the setting, defines an outbreak. In a highly vulnerable setting, a single laboratory-confirmed case of COVID-19 in a staff member, volunteer, or resident may define an outbreak at the discretion of the Medical Officer of Health.

Outbreaks have also been declared at the following schools:

Ralph Maybank School, Grade 5/6 class, in Winnipeg;
J. R. Reid School, Grade 4 class, in Brandon; and
St. Alphonsus School, Grade 5 class, in Winnipeg.
The classes has been moved to remote learning and the school moved to the Restricted (Orange) level on the Pandemic Response System.

Outbreaks have been declared over at:

New Era School, Grade 4/5;
École South Pointe School, Grade 2;
Ralph Maybank School, Grade 2/3;
Stony Mountain Elementary, Grade 5/6;
Westdale Junior High, Grade 6-1; and
Russell Health Centre.

After Nov. 26, Manitoba will no longer publicly report or post details of flights, trains or buses where there may have been potential COVID-19 exposures. This reflects the preventive measures in place on public transport.

Potential exposures from Manitoba cases onflights, trains or buses will continue to be gathered but not posted publicly. This change will not affect the current public health management of cases and contacts, particularly in situations where the public health investigation determines a higher risk of exposure. Cruise ships that have been reported to have COVID-19 cases will continue to be reported in Canada at www.canada.ca/en/public-health/services/diseases/2019-novel-coronavirus-infection/latest-travel-health-advice/exposure-flights-cruise-ships-mass-gatherings.html#cruise.

Additionally, after Nov. 26, Manitoba will no longer publicly report variants of concern online. The vast majority of current COVID-19 cases are B.1.617.2 (delta) cases and the public health recommendations for a variant of concern is no different than a case that is not. The lab will continue to monitor variants of concern and if there is a risk to the public, more information will be made available.

The Manitoba government is also providing an update on ongoing enforcement efforts to protect Manitobans from the spread of COVID-19. A total of 21 warnings and 33 tickets were issued for the week of Nov. 15 to 21 including:

five $1,296 tickets to individuals;
16 $298 tickets to individuals for failure to wear a mask in an indoor public place;
two $5,000 tickets to a business;
seven $1,443 tickets to individuals for the Federal Quarantine Act; and
three $8,550 tickets to individuals for the Federal Quarantine Act.

Manitobans are urged to continue reporting compliance and enforcement issues by visiting www.manitoba.ca/COVID19 and completing the reporting form or by calling 204-945-3744 or (toll-free) 1-866-626-4862 and pressing option three on the call menu. Updated enforcement statistics are posted online weekly at https://manitoba.ca/openmb/infomb/departments/index.html#cdr.

Possible exposure locations are listed online by region at the province’s Pandemic Response System webpage. For up-to-date information on possible public exposures to COVID-19 in regions, visit www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/updates/flights.html#event and click on your region.

Additional data is available at https://geoportal.gov.mb.ca/. Data related to COVID-19, variants of concern, outbreaks and some downloadable and historic data can also be found at this site.

For up-to-date information on COVID-19 in Manitoba, including the online screening tool, testing criteria and locations, self-isolation requirements, public health fundamentals and the provincial response level on the Pandemic Response System, visit www.manitoba.ca/COVID19.
