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All employees, physicians, volunteers, learners and other affiliates will be required to be fully vaccinated by February 23 at the Dryden Regional Health Centre.

The Dryden Regional Health Centre plans to implement a mandatory vaccination policy in the new year.

By February 23, 2022, their COVID-19 Vaccination Policy will require all employees, physicians, volunteers, learners and other affiliates to be fully vaccinated, with exemptions for those with medical reasons.

The DRHC stresses that the policy will not affect patients, and roughly 91 per cent of DRHC staff are already fully vaccinated against COVID-19.

“The evidence shows that vaccines are extremely effective in reducing the rate of COVID-19 infection, and developing more serious illness. Unvaccinated individuals make up the vast majority of COVID-19 cases and hospitalizations in the province,” says Dr. Bruce Cook, Chief of Staff.

“I am confident that by implementing mandatory vaccination, along with the majority of Ontario Hospitals, DRHC is making an important step in protecting patients, and moving towards an end to the pandemic,” adds Cook.

The DRHC notes all other infection control measures, including mandatory masking and personal protective equipment, will continue to be followed when and wherever possible.

“Moving forward with the COVID-19 Vaccination Policy is an additional step we are taking to protect our most vulnerable patients and to maintain a safe work environment for our employees and physicians,” says Doreen Armstrong-Ross, President and Chief Executive Officer of DRHC.

Sioux Lookout’s Meno Ya Win Health Centre and Kenora’s Lake of the Woods District Hospital have also announced upcoming mandatory vaccination policies.

“I want to share my sincere appreciation for all staff, volunteers, affiliates and medical staff for all they have done during the pandemic and to those who have made that next step to keep our hospital and community safe by getting vaccinated,” adds Armstrong-Ross.
