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Food Bank use has skyrocketed in Canada throughout the COVID-19 pandemic.

Food Banks across Canada are seeing record-high numbers of residents in need of help this holiday season, and are reporting the highest rate of food bank use since the 2008 recession.

Food Banks of Canada issued their 2021 Hunger Count report that showed COVID-19 caused a 20 per cent increase from the same count from 2019. Over 1.3 million visits were made to food banks across Canada in 2021.

The report also showed Ontario has the second-highest amount of food bank visits with 419,532, up 23.5 per cent from 2019. 130,970 of those visits were from children, a 23.5 per cent increase from 2019.

“The COVID-19 pandemic has been devastating for the most vulnerable Canadians over the last 19 months, “says David Armour, Interim CEO of Food Banks Canada. “With food insecurity a top concern for millions of Canadians, the holiday season is a critical time for those who are more fortunate to help their fellow community members in need.”

To help meet the increased need for donations this year in northwestern Ontario, Tracy’s No Frills and the Wholesale Club in Kenora, as well as Extra Foods in Dryden, have all launched their annual Holiday Food Drives between December 2 and 24.

Northwestern Ontario residents are urged to make a food or monetary donation to Dryden’s Food Bank or Kenora’s Family Services Food Bank while they shop, to help support community members in need.

Manager of the Dryden Food Bank, Al Huckabay, detailed a few of the items that they’re in need of this holiday season.

“We can always use pasta and pasta sauce. Canned fruit and vegetables are key right now. Just because of the Christmas season, they can throw in some stuffing and items like that to help us - to not only keep our shelves full but also to give away.”

Donation bins for food items can be found in-store and monetary donations are accepted at the checkout. Other needed items include canned meats and fish, cereals, baby foods and formula, toiletries and personal hygiene products.

Huckabay notes the CP Holiday Train will be running virtually again this year, and the community is urged to try to match their expected $6,000 annual donation. The concert will be streaming virtually on December 18.

Since 1999, the CP Holiday Train program has raised more than $19.4 million and collected more than 4.9 million pounds of food for food banks.
