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With the holiday season quickly approaching, the North Western Health Unit (NWHU) is urging the public to be mindful of safe COVID-19 practices when gathering with friends and family this year.  

During a weekly digital discussion session, Medical Officer of Health, Kit Young Hoon, offered advice for those celebrating the holiday season.  

“People should be very mindful of risk, mindful of where they are traveling, what type of interactions they are having,” said Young Hoon 

She continued “At this point, we are encouraging everyone to be aware of the risk and to follow public health measures as best as you can, so the physical distancing masking indoors is key. Getting vaccinated is a great way of protecting yourself and others and just thinking through the usual public health measures that we've been generally encouraging.” 

She went on to encourage using the COVID-19 screening tool when feeling unwell, and then following through with self-isolating and getting tested.  

“The public health advice is not changed, but people need to be aware of complacency, trying to remain vigilant because there is increasing risk around us, even if within our region, the risk remains low,” she concluded.  

You can find the Ontario screening tool HERE 
