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heather stefanson (Screenshot: Government of Manitoba/YouTube)
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Premier Heather Stefanson addresses a crowd at a Thursday business event. (Screenshot: Government of Manitoba/YouTube)

Manitoba's premier says Indigenous partnerships are fundamental to Manitoba's economic recovery.

In her first State of the Province address, Premier Heather Stefanson addressed roughly 1,200 business people attending the event hosted by the Winnipeg Chamber of Commerce at the RBC Convention Centre.

Her speech highlighted her government's hopes for Manitoba's post-pandemic recovery.

"We are setting a new direction with an ambitious agenda. I am committed to working with my fellow Manitobans to heal the wounds of the past and move forward with a plan," Stefanson says.

Her speech, like the speech from the throne, focuses on healthcare initiatives, education improvements, and economic recovery.

Stefanson says respect, cooperation, and partnerships with Indigenous peoples are fundamental to Manitoba's economic future.

"We are committed to reconciliation. Our existing commitments are just a start as we must now move to action," she says. "Advancing reconciliation is about more than just listening; it is about speaking the truth. It is about empowerment and action. It is about reducing barriers to success. It is about all Manitobans having the opportunity to fulfill their potential."


Stefanson's key points include:

  • addressing the collateral impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic on the health system, setting a path for clearing surgical and diagnostic backlogs, and enhancing Manitoba’s intensive care unit (ICU) capacity
  • incentivizing nursing graduates to stay in Manitoba
  • implementing the Manitoba Tourism Strategy, creating a more prosperous future for northern Manitoba
  • reducing red tape for businesses to fostering investment in the mining sector that will expand job opportunities for northern and First Nations communities
  • harnessing opportunities to use innovative technologies and create green jobs in Manitoba through a new energy policy framework
  • promoting policies that support startup and small business growth, and get new products to market
  • implementing a venture capital framework to improve access to capital for Manitoba businesses
  • seeking expansion of the Provincial Nominee Program to increase immigration and build a diverse workforce;
  • improving Manitoba’s kindergarten to Grade 12 education system to better prepare students for academic and labour market success
  • working closely with post-secondary institutions and employers so Manitobans can gain the skills to build their careers at home
  • working with business and industry to deliver demand-led skills training that will address labour market needs in areas such as hospitality, trucking, manufacturing and nursing

The premier says "my government is committed to taking immediate actions to help heal the economy, advance reconciliation, rebuild the healthcare system, and promote wellness for all Manitobans."
