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COVID vaccine in arm

Manitoba is on the cusp of reaching a new COVID-19 milestone as case numbers are just shy of 70,000.

There are 125 new COVID-19 cases in Manitoba, bringing the total number of cases to 69,979.

Out of Monday's cases, 51 people are not vaccinated, 88 people are fully vaccinated, and 13 people are partially vaccinated.

New cases by health region include:

  • 50 cases in Winnipeg, 15 people who are not vaccinated
  • 48 cases in Northern, 18 people who are not vaccinated
  • 31 cases in Southern, 18 people who are not vaccinated
  • 16 cases in Prairie Mountain, seven people who are not vaccinated
  • seven cases in Interlake-Eastern, six people who are not vaccinated

Since Friday there have been 478 new cases, none of which are the B.1.1.529 (omicron) variant. There were 163 new cases on Saturday and 163 new cases Sunday.

Manitoba's test positivity rate is 5.7 per cent. Winnipeg's test rate is 3.7 per cent.

There are 1,700 active cases and 66,926 recoveries.

Eight more people died since Friday, bringing the total number of deaths to 1,353.

Deaths include:

  • a male in his 80s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Saturday)
  • a male in his 80s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region (reported Saturday)
  • a female in her 80s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region (reported Saturday)
  • a male in his 70s from the Interlake-Eastern health region (reported Saturday)
  • a male in his 90s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region (reported Sunday)
  • a male in his 80s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region (reported Sunday)
  • a male in his 70s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Sunday)
  • a male in his 60s from the Southern Health-Santé Sud health region (reported Monday)



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(Province of Manitoba)

There are 142 people in the hospital, with 90 of those cases being active. Fifty-five people with active cases are not vaccinated, 31 people are fully vaccinated, and four people are partially vaccinated. 

There are 34 people in intensive care, with 24 people having active cases. All but two people are not vaccinated, with one person being fully vaccinated and one person being partially vaccinated. 



Five outbreaks are being declared over.

Sites include:

  • Seven Oaks General Hospital, 4 unit 8-12, geri-rehab unit
  • Grace Hospital, 4 North surgery unit
  • Portage District General Hospital, rehab unit
  • Selkirk Regional Health Center, medical unit
  • Arborg personal care home


Ecole Assiniboine's Grade 5 class is in an outbreak. The school is moved to the Restricted (Orange) level on the Pandemic Response System.
