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Three new COVID-19-related hospitalizations have been reported in the region, says the Northwestern Health Unit.

The current 7-day per cent positivity rate is listed as 24.2 per cent.

The NWHU says currently there are:

  • 3 active institutional outbreaks in the region.
  • 369 active high-risk cases in the region.
  • 3 active NWHU cases in hospital due to COVID-19.

The health unit says the overall hospital occupancy in the region is 74.1 per cent, overall acute care occupancy is 86.9 per cent, and the overall Intensive Care Unit (ICU) occupancy is 14.3 per cent.

NWHU recommends that everyone, including those who are vaccinated, assume COVID-19 is in their community and practice preventative measures.

Anyone who has symptoms or who has been in contact with a positive case, should complete a self-assessment and visit www.ontario.ca/exposed for more information on what to do next.
