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Dr. Brent Roussin.

Manitoba's top doctor has announced the loosening of some public health orders beginning on Tuesday. And, Chief Provincial Public Health Officer Dr. Brent Roussin says at the rate our province is trending, we can expect more restrictions lifted in the weeks ahead.

Beginning Tuesday, there will be changes to the number of visitors allowed in a private residence, while sports and recreation tournaments will be allowed to resume, liquor sales will be extended to midnight in licensed premises and capacity restrictions will be eased in many public spaces.

And, Dr. Roussin says that is just the beginning.

"Given where we are right now, if we don't see anything unexpected, we're looking at a restriction-free Manitoba by spring," he says. "We've been at this for two years, at some point we have to find a way out."

For those suggesting restrictions should not be eased while hospitalizations are so high, Dr. Roussin has added context to today's numbers. The province's dashboard indicates that there are 744 Manitobans in hospital with COVID-19. But. Dr. Roussin says only about 40 per cent of COVID-19 hospitalizations right now are because of COVID-19. The remaining cases involve individuals who were admitted to hospital for other medical reasons but then also have COVID-19.

"It's really important for us to understand who is in hospital because of COVID, not in hospital incidentally related to COVID," stresses Dr. Roussin. "Because omicron is so widespread, we know that every person admitted to hospital is tested for omicron, we're going to find people that were there for other reasons but happen to test positive for COVID."

When it comes to ICU admissions, Dr. Roussin says about 70 per cent of individuals admitted to ICU with COVID-19 are in ICU because of COVID-19. 

Dr. Roussin says it has been quite some time since Manitoba was in a position to begin easing restrictions. However, he notes it would appear that the omicron variant has peaked in our province.

"We all know that the public health measures were in place temporarily, they are always meant to be temporarily and meant to be in place for only as long and to the degree that they are required," he adds.
