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Protests in Ottawa, at the Manitoba Legislature and the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. With files from The Canadian Press.
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Protests in Ottawa, at the Manitoba Legislature and the Steinbach Regional Secondary School. With files from The Canadian Press.

Steinbach MLA and Manitoba Justice Minister Kelvin Goertzen is calling on the Trudeau government to step up and do its part to try and ease the COVID-19 tensions that currently exist in our country.

Goertzen is referring specifically to the protests taking place at the Emerson border crossing.

"Calling upon the Trudeau government to do what it can to lower the temperature to ensure that people are being heard, to work respectfully to resolutions, not just at the Pembina border but all the border crossings across Canada," Goertzen told reporters in a press conference Thursday afternoon.

Goertzen says during his time in office he has come to realize just how incredibly important border crossings are. He recalls the days of sitting in the cab with his father who once trucked for Penner International in Steinbach.

"We can't underestimate that we need goods moving across," says Goertzen.

Yet, Goertzen says he recognizes the frustration and the challenges felt by those demonstrating at the border. Goertzen says in his Steinbach constituency he has residents on both sides of the issue.

"Many of my constituents I know will support these causes but I've also heard from constituents who have said we need to get across the border, who own trucking companies and so I hope that they will consider that as well," adds Goertzen.

Further to that, with respect to the protests outside the legislative buildings in Winnipeg, Goertzen asks demonstrators to consider who they are impacting.

"It is a respectful and democratic right to protest and to have differences of views," stresses Goertzen. "But there are other rights that also have to be protected and those who live nearby who need to get to work, we have to respect their rights as well."

Again, Goertzen says this needs to be resolved and he notes it needs to be resolved with the a federal government that is willing to engage with people to try to come to a resolution.

"(We) can't have any more of the divisiveness when it comes to some of the rhetoric, we have to bring that down," he says. "And ensure that we're listening to people, not always in agreement, we're not always going to agree and that's okay but I think we have to sometimes understand where other people are coming from and different positions."

Goertzen also addressed the protest that took place Thursday outside of Steinbach Regional Secondary School.

"For those adults who were involved, I think it's important to remember that schools, hospitals, there are certain places that really aren't the appropriate place for those demonstrations," he urges. "And I think we have to be mindful of those places because there are unique things happening there, there are more vulnerable populations sometimes."

Goertzen says he truly believes we will be in a better place soon, noting our Premier and Chief Provincial Public Health Officer will be providing an update Friday on public health orders.
