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The men at Adult & Teen Challenging worshiping God in song, with Gerhard Reimer-Wiebe to the far right.

Friend and pastor to murder victim Gerhard Reimer-Wiebe (AKA George), remembers a kind-hearted young man.

Terry Theissen says, "George was a very kind-hearted and compassionate individual, very full of life and a lot of character." 

Theissen is the Pastor of Community for Adult & Teen Challenge of Central Canada and knew Reimer-Wiebe inside, as well as outside of the program.

"He grew a lot of character as well while he was with us. As is the case with everyone that comes into our program, there were some things that he clearly needed to work through in his life."

Reimer-Wiebe spent a year at the Adult & Teen Challenge program in Winnipeg. Theissen recalls, "He came out a much deeper and well-rounded individual when he was done."

Adult & Teen Challenge's program is all about Christian discipleship and it's aimed at helping people who are struggling with addiction. Their model for recovery is based on Biblical principles, accountability, and support.

Theissen shares, "I develop a lot of relationships outside of our ministry and certainly, I can recall many a trip with him. On the outreach team, I still remember him developing some musical giftings. He would bring that enthusiasm with him."

Reimer-Wiebe learned to play the acoustic guitar and also had a strong tenor voice. 

With an on-going murder investigation, this time is especially hard for all those who knew Reimer-Wiebe.

"Our goal is to support the family. I definitely encourage people to really be in prayer for his family."

As for the team at Adult & Teen Challenge, Theissen says, "We are in mourning, but they [his family] are experiencing a whole other level of tragedy." 
