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For the second time in as many weeks Environment Canada is calling for another Alberta Clipper to barrel through the Kenora area on Tuesday (February 15, 2022).

The agency says the clipper has made its way across the western Canadian prairies bringing with it snow, and strong wind gusts.

“You should be seeing some snow falling starting early to mid-afternoon today and it’s going to be sticking around through the night. It should be clear by mid-morning tomorrow completely. With that system looking at another 10 cm of snow,” Steven Flisfeder, Meteorologist said.

In total February has seen a 39.0 cm of snowfall, which is way above the 18.6 cm average usually seen in the month.

Flisfeder said the storm will bring with it some 50 km/h wind gusts.

The area is also expected to get hit with some extremely cold temperatures following Tuesday’s storm as an arctic cold front will roll through.

“Temperatures are going to drop to about -15 to -20 degrees tonight. Tomorrow night temperatures are going to take a plunge close to -30 degrees and the windchill will bring it down to -35 to -40 degrees.”

An Alberta Clipper came through the Kenora area last week that brought with it 8 cm of snow and wind that was clocked at 46 km/h.
