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The Northwestern Health Unit continues to encourage residents to receive their booster COVID-19 dose due to the overall effectiveness of the vaccine.

Dr. Kit Young Hoon, Medical Officer of Health for the NWHU says the most important thing for people to know is the value that comes from getting your booster dose.

“There is definitely increasing evidence and increasing information that we’re seeing,” said Young Hoon. “That booster dose of the vaccine provides extremely good protection against severe illness and hospitalizations.”

March 8, 2022 data from the Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table shows the protection against ICU admissions, hospitalizations, and SARA-CoV2 in people with two doses.

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Photo courtesy: Ontario COVID-19 Science Advisory Table

Roughly 84 per cent protection from hospitalizations, approximately 92 per cent effectiveness from ICU admissions, and about 44 per cent protection from SARS-CoV-2 infection.

“The risk is significantly higher for those who have not been vaccinated or only have one dose of the vaccine, their risk is much greater of severe illness compared to someone who has had their third dose.” 

She does believe the risk of exposure will continue following the province removing capacity limits, and proof of vaccination on March 1, 2022, along with the mask mandate ending on March 21, 2022.

The health unit is continuing to recommend people receive their third dose or to continue to get vaccinated until three doses is reached.

The NWHU says booster dose rates vary by age group, but nearly 62 per cent of residents aged 18 or older have been boosted.

As of March 8, 2022, the province of Ontario reported a third dose vaccine rate of 58.9 per cent of people aged 18 and older.

For those who are interested in getting their first, second, or third dose of the vaccine you can book an appointment through their booking system or call your local NWHU office.

Residents can also get your vaccine from some pharmacies and health care providers in the region.
