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Manitoba Public Health issued its final regular COVID-19 bulletin on Thursday.
In it, officials reported 11 additional deaths in people with COVID-19. This includes two in the Prairie Mountain Health Region; a man in his 60s and a woman in her 80s.

Additional deaths are:
a male in his 50s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Saturday);
a male in his 60s from the Northern health region (reported Saturday);
a male in his 80s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Saturday);
a male in his 60s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Saturday);
a female in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region, linked to an outbreak at Actionmarguerite St. Vital (reported Sunday);
a female in her 70s from Winnipeg health region (reported Wednesday);
a female in her 70s from Southern Health-Sante Sud;
a male in his 80s from Interlake-Eastern health region (reported Thursday); and
a female in her 80s from the Winnipeg health region (reported Thursday).
Meantime, 979 new cases were reported to Public Health during the week of March 20-26, a decrease from 1,244 the week before. 
The weekly positivity rate is 13.9%.

Information about COVID-19 in Manitoba is updated online:

Weekly epidemiology reports including vaccination coverage:

Outbreaks: www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/prs/index.html.

Future bulletins will be issued as needed.

Key Updates

On April 1, several provincial test sites will be changing their hours of operation. Manitobans are encouraged to visit:  www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/testing/locations.html for the most current information. All provincial testing locations will be permanently closed on April 15. After that date, pre-operative patients will be able to make COVID-19 test appointments by directly calling the provincial call centre at 1-855-268-4318, the Dakota Medical Centre at 204-254-2087 or the Minor Illness and Injury Clinic at 431-222-2273.

Rapid antigen tests remain widely available. For a full list of locations and self-testing instructions, visit: www.gov.mb.ca/covid19/testing/rat.html.

Information about COVID-19, including vaccination, will continue to be updated in weekly epidemiology reports found at: 

Vaccine dashboards will no longer be updated after April 1.

As compared to people with two or more doses of vaccine, Public Health says those who are not fully vaccinated are:

six times as likely to be hospitalized with COVID-19,
seven times as likely to be admitted to an intensive care unit, and
16 times as likely to die with COVID-19.

More Resources

COVID-19 in Manitoba: www.manitoba.ca/COVID19.
Vaccine campaign: www.manitoba.ca/vaccine and https://protectmb.ca.
Testing information: www.manitoba.ca/covid19/testing/index.html.
