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Perogies being made.

A few Portagers are thankful for how the community supported their fundraiser last week.

Debbie Drain, along with eight of her friends and family members, raised over $1300 for the families of Ukraine, all by making perogies. Drain outlines how the idea came about.

"I was watching the news and I saw some ladies that got together and made perogies with their church group," says Drain. "I thought we could do this, so then I asked a few friends and my family, and then we went from there."

The organizer stated this was the group's first time making perogies in a larger sum and adds she did not expect to raise this much money.

Along with the 111 dozen perogies that were preordered, there was also money donated by community members, Sobey's, Pankos, Portage Supermarket, and Herman Prior Centre. Overall, they were able to raise $1335.00 that is going directly to Ukraine through the Portage MCC thrift store.

Drain is so happy that they were able to put something like this together.
"To know that you are helping a little bit to Ukraine goes a long way." 

Author Alias