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Laura Spelliscy
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Laura Spelliscy

The Big Brothers and Big Sisters of Central Plains are putting on a first-job readiness program for students fourteen and older. It's called Mini Fuse and is for students who are interested in getting their first job.

The four-week course covers:

  • Resume building
  • Interviewing
  • Reading a paycheque
  • Job skills

All of these topics will be done with more of a hands-on approach. This is the second time that they have run this program. The regular Fuse program lasts longer and involves discussions about school.

There is no cost as it is sponsored by the RBC Foundation. The program starts May 4 and continues every Wednesday after that until the end of May from 6:30 p.m. to 8:30 p.m.

Mentoring coordinator Laura Spelliscy says that they are just getting the word out. 

"The best way to register is to contact us at the office either phoning the office at 204-857-4397 or emailing us at bbbscentralplains@bigbrothersbigsisters.ca."

The previous program did well in finding many students their first summer job. The students also found this program very helpful to prepare them for jobs. This program will also give students an idea of what places are hiring for the summer to help them in their job search when the time comes. 


Author Alias