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The Lake of the Woods District Hospital announced on Thursday (May 5, 2022) that another COVID-19 outbreak has been issued within the facility. Two cases of COVID-19 were detected among inpatients when asymptomatic testing was conducted.

Ray Racette, President & CEO of LWDH says it is discouraging to again be in outbreak status.

"We know how extremely hard our team worked to contain and control the last outbreak. However, the fact is, our team’s diligence is what led to the cases being detected.”

The circumstances at LWDH this week prove how extremely transmissible omicron COVID-19 infections are, how active it still is in our community and how every individual reacts uniquely to the virus. LWDH is working with the Northwestern Health Unit on this outbreak.

On Wednesday (May 4, 2022), the LWDH declared its previous outbreak over, which was in effect since April 15, 2022. 

On April 15, 2022, the Lake of the Woods District Hospital (LWDH) activated its pandemic plan in response to two hospital patients, which eventually turned into nine patients testing positive for COVID-19. Visitor restrictions were immediately introduced and remain in place at this time, with limited exceptions for end-of-life patients.
