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Officials in Manitoba now say the rain that is expected this weekend in the southern portion of the province will likely not impact the flood situation. Manitoba Transportation and Infrastructure's Hydrologic Forecast Centre says a precipitation system forecast to arrive on Saturday may bring five to 10 millimetres of rain.

In the Red River Valley, peak water levels are forecast to be similar to 2009 on the Red River between Emerson and Letellier. The river is expected to peak between 2011 and 2009 spring flood levels from St. Jean to the Red River Floodway inlet. Water levels are expected to remain high for an extended duration in many areas in southern and central Manitoba.

Flooding continues in the Interlake, Red River Valley and many other portions of central and southern Manitoba but is becoming more concentrated around drains and streams that are above capacity as water moves through the system. The broader overland flood warning is lifted as there is no significant precipitation forecast that would cause overland flooding in new areas. Residents in these areas are advised to monitor local conditions and take any necessary flood mitigation actions.

The Manitoba Emergency Measures Organization (EMO) continues to work with all local authorities and emergency management partners to provide guidance and support for response and recovery activities.

Several communities throughout the province continue to be impacted by high water levels. Reported impacts to date include loss of road access, flooded properties and damage to infrastructure. As a result of these impacts, nine municipal emergency operations centres have been activated and states of local emergency have been declared in 25 communities.

The following warnings and high water advisories are in effect:

  • A flood warning remains in place for the Red River from Emerson to the Red River Floodway inlet and from the Red River Floodway channel outlet to Lake Winnipeg.
  • A flood warning remains in place for La Salle, Pembina and Boyne rivers and the Deadhorse, Shannon and Netley creeks. All other Red River tributaries are downgraded to a flood watch.
  • A flood warning continues for the Fisher and Icelandic rivers.
  • A flood warning continues for the Assiniboine River from the Shellmouth Dam to Brandon.
  • A flood warning continues for the Whiteshell lakes area.
  • A flood watch remains for the Whitemouth and Birch rivers. A flood watch remains in place for the Roseau River.
  • A flood watch continues for the Whitemud River.
  • A high water advisory is in place for Sturgeon Creek.

Manitoba EMO continues to work with Indigenous Services Canada (ISC) in supporting ISC-led response measures with First Nation communities.

Provincial Trunk Highway (PTH) 75 remains closed north and south of Morris and detours are in place.

The Red River Floodway continues to operate in order to lower water levels in Winnipeg. Many drains, creeks and tributaries in the Red River Valley and the Interlake are above or at capacity.

Manitobans are reminded spring is still underway throughout the province and conditions including increased run-off are still ongoing, so to stay off waterways including creeks, streams, rivers and the floodway. High flows, debris and cold water temperatures present a significant safety risk. Members of the public are also asked to keep away from flooded areas, water control structures including dams and diversions, and areas where flood response crews are working.

Provincial crews are deployed to a number of communities in southern Manitoba running pumping operations as well as preparing for, monitoring and implementing dike closures as required. Rising waters may necessitate dike or highway closures at some locations and motorists are reminded to stay off closed roads and not attempt to travel across inundated roads.

Since Wednesday, the Red River has seen the following changes:

  • risen one inch at Drayton to 43.12 feet
  • risen five inches at Emerson to 790.38 feet
  • risen three inches at Letellier to 784.47 feet
  • risen three inches at St. Jean to 781.40 feet
  • risen four inches at Morris to 779.28 feet
  • risen two inches at Ste. Agathe to 771.02 feet
  • risen two inches at St. Adolphe to 767.41 feet

Since Wednesday, the Roseau River has seen the following changes:

  • dropped less than one inch at Gardenton to 967.07 feet
  • there has been no change at Stuartburn, with the river level there remaining at 950.10 feet
  • risen less than one inch at Dominion City (PR 200) to 782.93 feet

Also, since Wednesday, the Rat River has dropped three inches near Otterburne to 773.13 feet, while the Seine River near Ste. Anne has gone down six inches to 835.80 feet.

Author Alias