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Photo: Submitted by GPPSD

Excitement is in the air at the Grande Prairie Public School Division (GPPSD), where students and staff prepare for graduation ceremonies.

GPPSD is pleased to announce all celebrations will be in-person.

List of events in chronological order:

May 20, 2022 – Grande Prairie Composite High School

May 27, 2022 – Charles Spencer High School

June 9, 2022 – Bridge Network Outreach School

Tickets are required for ceremonies and events. Please see each school's website for more information on locations, times and ticket

purchases. Visit www.gppsd.ab.ca.


When asked what he would like to say to the 2022 graduates, Sandy McDonald, Superintendent of GPPSD, shared, "as students, your success is our success, and we are proud of you! Graduation is a time of celebration, and it is what you have worked towards since the first day you walked into your Kindergarten class. As I reflect over the past school year and over the past few years of your education journey, I want to take a few moments to recognize the adversity you have endured to get to where you are today. It has not been a typical, direct path – you have had to significantly adapt your learning during grades 10, 11 and 12 – something no other cohort of students has had to do in our history as a school division. On your special day, be proud, stand tall, and know you are stronger for your lived experiences - your success today is just the beginning! All the very best."


Joan Nellis, Board Chair, said, "Congratulations grads! You have reached a significant milestone in your life.  It is an ending but also a beginning – you have created a strong foundation for your future – no matter what road you decide to take. What comes next will be uniquely yours. We hope you look back at your time with our division – remembering that special teacher who made a difference, that moment of clarity when you understood something you were struggling with, the friends you made, and the life lessons you learned. Now is the time for your new chapter - the time to take what you have learned and create the world you want to live in. On behalf of the  Board of Trustees for the Grande Prairie Public School Division, I want to express how proud we are of your achievement!” 

