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RM of Stanley Reeve Morris Olafson
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RM of Stanley Reeve Morris Olafson (File photo)

After eight years as reeve of the R.M. of Stanley, Morris Olafson has decided not to run in the October 26th election.
Olafson said after two terms, he feels the municipality is in a very positive place and the time is right to retire from municipal politics and let someone else take the reins.

"Probably one of the biggest things that's coming up, and I hope I get to be part of the shovel turning ceremony is the expansion of the hospital. Major, major thing," exclaimed Olafson. "That's one thing that I was hoping was going to happen along in the eight years that I was reeve...you put that together, and it just draws in (to the region) so much else."

Looking back on the past eight years, Olafson noted Stanley was always in a positive position for growth, some years more than others. He added, for a municipality the size of Stanley, the number of projects that the council has been able to accomplish on a limited operating budget.

"When I look at all the things that we're involved with, I don't know how we do it with that little bit of money. It may sound like a lot, $8-million but we've got 9/10-thousand people and we've got 18 square miles of roads to look after. As well as all the other projects that we've been involved with to some extent, the hospital expansion, the Tabor Home, the Buhler Centre, the clinics, all the other stuff that's involved with the municipality that we're involved in some extent, and it's all to the betterment of the municipality."

Olafson said when he ran for reeve eight years ago, he didn't have a specific agenda. He said he viewed the role as being a caretaker of the municipality. He said he's worked alongside a very caring group council the last two terms, and he feels that a lot of positive things have been accomplished.

The municipal election is on October 26th.

Author Alias